Home » Who Needs to be Covered on Your Auto Insurance Policy?
August 29, 2024

Who Needs to be Covered on Your Auto Insurance Policy?

man writing on an auto insurance policyKnowing who to include in your auto insurance policy can make a significant difference in your overall financial protection and security.

Depending on your situation, your agent may recommend that you include the following drivers in your car insurance coverage:

  • Primary drivers are the individuals who drive your vehicle most frequently. Insurers typically base their rates and coverage on the driving record and habits of the primary driver. Your agent can help you compare quotes.
  • Occasional drivers are individuals who use your vehicle infrequently, such as family members who may borrow your car. Most auto insurance policies provide coverage for these drivers if they have permission to use the vehicle. However, not listing them on your policy might complicate claims if they are involved in an accident.
  • Household members include anyone living at your address, even if they don’t drive your vehicle regularly. Insurance companies generally expect all licensed drivers in the household will be listed on the policy. This helps assess risk accurately and provide coverage for all potential drivers.
  • Teenagers who have their driver’s license and may be driving your vehicle must have auto liability insurance to meet Louisiana’s state requirements. Many insurers offer discounts for good grades and for completing driver’s education or defensive driving courses. It’s a good idea to discuss these options with your insurance agent.

Contact Us to Secure an Auto Insurance Policy

If you’re unsure about who should be listed or need to update your car insurance policy, consulting with your insurance agent can help clarify your options and ensure appropriate coverage.

Contact Affordable Insurance Providers in Bossier City, Louisiana, to evaluate your current coverage and get personalized auto insurance quotes.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

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